Win a new net to give or get an electric shock on May 23 comprehensive report, Czech president gram Lao Si mean on the 22th, to Greece, withdrawing the euro area is a better choice.He also calls that the nonentity can right away solve the project of debt crisis in Europe. The gram Lao Si means the problem that LV SnapbackEurope faces over a long period of time is widespreadly taken no responsibility a ground of under-estimation, current obligation crisis just"iceberg dime".He said that the Greece is European economy management maladjustment of the victim is accepting punishment, but withdraw the euro area is bigger than benefit to the country's economy fraud. The gram Lao Si thinks that then the structure adjustment of only deep time can rescue EU, his European Beijing leadership in promoting to pass to promote economy to increase to solve a crisis means disaffection. The Czech central bank went to once mean as well while accepting an interview at the beginning of regularly, Armani Snapback Hatthe Greece shoulded withdraw euro area, and the new currency depreciation that it publishes. According to know, the Czech Republic is EU member's country, but doesn't join the plan of euro area in the short run.The country currently ability still from acquire a margin on the market, the funds of native banking are ample, and is deposited by domestic basal protection.see more:British navy checks a submarine to drive into an English controversy islands-search fox news
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Posted by kjeiai
at 10:20 PM EDT