On May 7, Putin carries on a Russian president's inauguration and takes part in the game of the Russian amateur ices hockey leagues match after taking an oath.Premier before Italy shell Lu Si Ke Ni be specially present to help. Is medium new net to give or get an electric shock   on May 22Report according to the 21th of"Buy Atlanta Hawks hatswin a wide news net" in Taiwan, the Russian brigade wins 2012 on the 20th ice hockey championship champion in world, Russia's president Putin wires ball team to mean a congratulation. This year's ice hockey championship in the world holds at the capital city Helsinki of Finland, Russian brigade on that night with 6:2 defeat Slovak brigade, win a champion.After news spreads, the whole Russia people warmly celebrate, the many people runs to brandish national flag in the street, loudly shout, the car drivers also continuously blare a whistle to celebrate. Mens Hats Putin's after the event wires a Russian ice hockey brigade to mean a congratulation.Putin says that Russia owns world's best ice hockey contestant, this makes the Russian person even have reason feeling proud for own nation. According to know, Putin is also an ice hockey good hand.After the 7th of this month inauguration ended, Putin once and before Italy premier shell Lu Si Ke Ni watched an ice hockey game, and the end demonstration ball skill.see more: Debt crisis in Europe makes NATO defend work sink embarrassed or result in military alliance abruption-search fox news
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Posted by kjeiai
at 9:58 PM EDT