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Sunday, 13 May 2012
Japanese mountain pass one chemical engineering factory the explosion light a fire 1 die 15 harm not poisonous spirit to reveal
The Xinhua news agency provides origin to report a special dispatch mountain pass county a chemistry factory in the southwest of Japan the explosion light a fire on the dawn of the 22th, an employee dies, and 15 employees and nearby residents get hurt.baseball hatsThe police has never confirmed poisonous air of occurrence to leak.
  Mountain pass county and the wood Ting rock country big around 2:15 A.M. that very day of bamboo factory explosion happens and causes wildfire.Is Japanese the common agency report, explosion breakï½̀into pieces the glass window of factory area more than 60 peripheral residents' residences and other buildings, fragment to 4 residents' slight wounds.Several fire fighting truck devotions put out.At around 8:00 A.M. that very day, factory area again occurrence explosion, flee one regiment fire cloud.Fire slightly gets a control night time.
  Police says that finding out the trouble reason may take several days,wholesale sunglasses they doubt homework personnel's carelessness causes trouble.
  This chemical engineering factory from three well chemistry company luck camps in Japan, mainly produce timber and tire to use to glue to match, factory and connection business enterprise employ 1230 employees.
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Posted by kjeiai at 9:20 PM EDT

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