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Tuesday, 1 May 2012
The beautiful nomination a life time goes long candidate gold Yong's learning to cure to be from qualifications is queried
The World Bank that the United States nominates' going day by day a long candidate's gold Yong competitive advantage position is obvious, been called "almost target World Bank to go to grow one job" by 《Wall Steet Journal 》 .But surround his controversy to then pile up one after another.Gold Yong once said while accepting a medium interview, he 3 year agos just knew to the blunt fund why thing.
  Once took part in a finance to mount sudden attack extension school
  Gold Yong two year agos accept a 《Wall Steet Journal 》 interview in the United States and speak about to reach the college of Mao Si to face especially of contributing money and falling embarrassing situation say, "I have never participated in an investment.Don't know what is to the blunt fund".best sunglassesThe gold Yong serves as to reach Mao in 2009 director in the college of Si is especially.This college acquired in those early years of contributed money amount of money to together compare to fall 23% to USD 2,800,000,000.He once took part in 2- days finance to mount sudden attack extension school.Survey the academic cultural heritage and different situation speech that he announced formely, 《Wall Steet Journal 》 discovered, his big parts of works were fixed attention on to medical realm.Make American medium more dissatisfied BE, his article complains that the wealthy nation can not vomit for helping a poor nation to solve various problem more money.
  The best critique of gold Yong and New York economist William of the university ·Yi Si especially benefit say, the gold Yong belongs to "amateur fancier" in the economics realm and adheres to refuse cooperative"anti- globalization standpoint".Especially Yi Si benefit says, the gold Yong thinks the globalization"the system should undertake a responsibility for manufacturing narrow circumstances".
  Almost have already targeted to go to grow one job
  This will be the World bank to go long the post has a history the public Jing hire for for the first time.A life time goes to establish in 1945,Cheap sunglasses include incumbent line of long Zuo benefit gram at inside of 11 lines are long, all American males of "do not  enrich namely expensive".
  The World Bank board of directors settles to start personal interview 3 candidates on the 9th, gold Yong of personal interview time settle on the 11th.Winning a list will in the month inside declare.In addition to gold Yong, other candidates settle on the 9th since appear in capital city Washington of the United States' various forum.《Wall Steet Journal 》 comments on, though is controversial,see from the circumstance in present stage, due to acquiring World Bank's biggest property country the United States support the gold Yong almost targets World Bank to go to grow one job.Last week, Korea and Japan declared to support gold Yong respectively and then gave this Korean descent the American to increase more competition Fas code.Japan is the second World Bank property country.The United States has been supporting the candidate of International Monetary Fund whom Europe recommends to support the World Bank that the United States recommends' going by exchanging Europe a long candidate.
  Self-confidence"have strong background"

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Posted by kjeiai at 9:27 PM EDT

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