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Sunday, 15 April 2012
Live factual records:Anne Tony Hao takes for 42 cents, Ni gram Si lord the field cherish to hurt hot fire
Search a fox live member:April 16 Peking time, Ni gram Si in New York will at lord the field squared Miami hot fire, then search fox athletics will for you bring a fascinating diagram text live, please concern![Hot fire 0:0 Sis]
Search a fox live member:This match quarter the hot fire have already twice defeated Ni gram Si, in these two games, hot the fire field all lose to divide only is 88.5 cent, best sunglasses,this number makes a show of Miami to defend of outstanding.However after five virtuous Sen coaches took a post on March 14, Ni gram Si's field in New York all loses a cent only currently is 88.8 cent, is the field of each brigade of alliance to all lose to divide the second within this period of time low.The Ni gram Si brigade defends after transmuting of the improvement make the their war merit include to promote very greatly, lord field already acquire nine connect win.[Hot fire 0:0 Sis]
Search a fox live member:Although the hot fire ranks high the second in the east,the condition of their guest is poor towards defending outstanding ball team, have already lost in a row to ash bear, ox and Kai Er especially person, but next probably will be Ni gram Si.The Wei is virtuous at up a game won election to choose to cease fire, however come out again in the game to hope tomorrow.Is two in the past the Ni gram is to Si, the Wei was virtuous to totally take down 50 cent,discount sunglasses, shot the basket to in the clout rate to be up to 51.2%;Two wars of Zhan Mu Si totally take down 51 cent, shoot the basket to in the clout to lead to 52.9%.Obviously this both the elder brothers is still a Ni gram defending of Si importance object.[Hot fire 0:0 Sis]
Search a fox live member:Ni gram Si the status is quite good recently, special ball team at lord the performance of the field, have already obtained currently 9 connect win, this is also November 4, 1997-December 22 lord field 10 connect win of most long lord field connect win."We want to defend lord field dignity, " Anne Tony says, "we want to create our ball buildings into one of the most terrible main fields."
see more:The Miami medium criticize a negative game of hot fire to record to call this absolutely is play with fire
Ba Ke Li:Playoff the hot fire Be difficult to win an ox unless emperor Jordan attaches a body

Posted by kjeiai at 9:38 PM EDT

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